ABC News medical contributor Dr. Darien Sutton answers a question from a viewer about what to do and things to avoid .
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Transplant nephrologist Fawaz Al Ammary discusses live kidney .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 208.162
Plasma gathered from your blood can be exported across the globe, but what exactly is it, and why is it in demand? A New ....
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Join me as I .
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Mike Rizzo is an extreme athlete, participating in Iron Man Triathlon events. Yet even though Mike enjoys pushing himself ....
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For two decades, Amy Gilchrist wondered about her biological children. For reasons she can't explain, she suspected twins were ....
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What Happens to Your Body .
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ST. LOUIS — Bob Muenz saw a silver lining when he recovered from COVID-19: the antibodies in his blood could help other ....
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After donations.
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Did you know that blood .
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Ohio State's Wexner Medical Center follows up with three living kidney donors 5+ years .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 20.238
A Las Vegas woman claims she lost consciousness twice and suffered significant injuries during and .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 3417 Randy Alvarez, host of The Wellness Hour, interviews Board Certified Dr. David DeRose about his new ....
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What happens .
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Donors who maintain proper health and nutrition can make plasma .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 2179
Here's what happens .
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Since the earliest days of medicine, the complex study of human anatomy has been an integral part of health science training and ....
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