You see them when it's warm outside, hanging out in flowers and working away. Bees! Check out what these buzzing insects are ....
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#bees #nature #relaxing Thank you for watching! I love to create videos and my aim is to show you how beautiful the world is by ....
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Si el mundo de los insectos tiene una monada carismática y peluda, seguramente es el humilde abejorro. Si bien las poblaciones ....
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Get the Super Simple App! ▻ ! Sing along to “Butterfly Ladybug .
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Bees are some of the most hardworking animals ever. In their colony, they each have a role to fulfill. Together, they make the ....
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Taking a close look at the behavior and biology of the .
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Buzz pollination is a special technique for dislodging pollen from certain types of plants - and .
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Welcome to BBC EARTH! The world is an amazing place full of stories, beauty and natural wonder. Here you'll find 50 years worth ....
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The non-native (and arguably, invasive) European Honeybee (Apis mellifera) gets a lot of attention because the species is reared ....
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PARENTS AND TEACHERS: Thank you so much for watching Super Simple Songs with your families and/or students. Here are ....
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Welcome! Today we're answering the question, what is a .
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Sir David Attenborough uses a thermal imaging camera to demonstrate the ingenious way a queen .
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Most flowering plants are more than willing to spread their pollen around. But some flowers hold out for just the right partner..
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Sing along and learn with The Kiboomers preschool songs & nursery rhymes! Here is our .
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