If you could choose to be an animal, would you rather be a predator or prey? Many prey animals have developed clever strategies ....
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A SciShow kid wrote us and asked: What is .
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What is .
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In this video, we'll uncover the fascinating .
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How Does .
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Some animals use .
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Animal .
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Do you like learning about animals? Let's look at some interesting ways animals stay hidden from predators or prey. In this video ....
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NEW EPISODE on Saturday, January 23! Take a peek at some of the unexpected ways animals blend into their surroundings..
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Welcome back to Team V Learning my friends. Today we are going to talk about .
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A thin, flexible new material steals its color-shifting capabilities of cephalopod skin. Certain cephalopods, such as this cuttlefish, ....
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Hello everybody it's time for .
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Discover the fascinating world of .
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