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Viper Production™ SRL. Toate drepturile rezervate..
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Faarfannaa kanaan kanaan duras eebbifamtaniittu ammas ittiin eebbifamaa Linki kanas #SUBSCRIBE_Share_like_gochuun ....
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Raahel Tafarra of Ethiopian Evangelical Church Mekane Yesus (EECMY).
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WAKJIRATUBE brings you Oromo gospel songs from Ethiopia. Thank you for Watching and subscribe for more gospel songs..
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AfaanOromoo #Faarfannaa #Oromoo #gospelsong #OromoGospelSongs #gospel songs #Ethiopiangospel #music #musicVideos ....
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Faarfannaa Dn.Gammachiis Bultii ummata waliin waltajjii Waldaa Duuka Bu'oota qopheesserratti faarfate.Magaalaa Leemman ....
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Entertainment, Spiritual Songs, technology, small business .. follow me and subscribe my video channel..
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