Cucumber #काँक्रो काँक्रो खेती सम्बन्धी जानकारी cucumber cultivation in greenhouse ....
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Your Queries : - agriculture lifestyle .
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काक्रो खेतीले करोडपति बन्न सक्छ - .
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Welcome To Our YouTube Channel Space 4K Television Guest: Dr Kedar Budhathoki Presenter: Ashim Sapkota Editor: Sajan ....
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... in Nepal --kheera ki kheti Your Queries : - .
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काँक्रो खेती बारे सम्पुर्ण जानकारी दिंदै युवा कृषक शसिन ....
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काँक्रो_खेती #Cucumber_Farming #कृषि_संदेश #Krishi_Sandesh हाम्रो देश नेपालमा ....
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No description available.
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Hello freinds Welcome to my channel.This channel is created for entertainment information , biking, market, vlog and all. Follow ....
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Contact @01-5555854; 9824886176 Select a site with full sun. Cucumbers need warmth and lots of light. Cucumbers require ....
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काँक्रो लगाउदा चितवन र भक्तपुरका कृषकहरुले भोग्ने गरेको रोग किरा र ....
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फल्न लागेका काक्रोका बिरुवालाई खरानी र पिना मिसाएर हाल्दा धेरै ....
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यो जातको काँक्रो खेती गरे पछि अरु जातको लाउनै मन लाग्दैन।एउटै ....
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In today's video, we'll be sharing simple and effective techniques for .
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Cucumber #काँक्रो काँक्रो खेती सम्बन्धी जानकारी cucumber cultivation in greenhouse ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 817
लोकल काक्रो खेती , local cucumber farming कृषक अर्जुन बिडारी संगको कुराकानी ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 10.361
This video covers how to grow cucumber seedling on plastic polybag for off season. Do like, comments and subscribe to this ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 96.124
भक्तपुरे काक्रो लगाउने तरिका | BIGGEST VEGETABLE FARMING OF NAWALPUR #farming ....
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