1999 World Record revolver drills accomplished by Jerry .
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Whatever the sport, experts agree that success depends on starting with the right fundamentals. Champion shooter Jerry .
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What are Jerry's top 5 pistol drills for the range and 3-gun competition practice? With his newly built Volunteer™ rifle, Jerry goes ....
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AMAZON NOTICE: As an Amazon Associate, Iraqveteran8888 earns from qualifying purchases. DISCLAIMER: Our videos are ....
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Are you looking for a way to reduce the recoil and muzzle rise of your rifle? The .
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We are excited to announce the new Jerry .
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Champion shooter Jerry .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 136.058
We managed to squeeze in a Gun Gripe in while Jerry and the family were in town last month, and it is a very important one..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 127.414
No description available.
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The godfather of shooting, Jerry .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 100.591
Does this revolver give you Jerry's trigger finger? Let's find out. Ways to support our honest content: Follow me on X: ....
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No description available.
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Smith & Wesson Pro Shooter and revolver champion, Jerry .
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We sat down with Jerry .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 33.677
Want to shoot like Smith & Wesson Pro Shooter and World Champion Jerry .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 31.872
No description available.
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Clip straight from episode 7 of Hot Shots' season 2. Clip shows Jerry & Lena .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 26.691