In the captivating world of medical innovation, tiny yet mighty .
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Nano robots are made up of very small robots that are only a few nanometers across and are powered by electricity, magnets, ....
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No description available.
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Nanotechnology sounds like a futuristic development, but we already have it in the form of CPU manufacturing. More advanced ....
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Modern medicine is becoming increasingly powerful, but the struggle to deliver those medicines to where they are needed within ....
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Dr. Rik Myers was a science critic and activist until he learned that better arguments could be made about emerging genetic ....
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Suscríbete si te ha gustado el video! Instagram: Twitter:
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TOP 5 Robots mas pequeños que existen - Nano Robots del futuro Suscríbete: ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 22.185
Los .
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Imagine a world where instead of taking medicine, a person could swallow a tiny robot to cure their illness. This isn't science ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 15.466
The .
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Nanorobótica y nanotecnología | Explicación de los grandes cambios en la pequeña ciencia La nanorobótica es la tecnología ....
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Dr. Noah dice sobre una forma de tecnologia nuevo: nanorobotica! Recursos: ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 31