Saint Malachy, an obscure Irish archbishop from the 12th century, is said to have written a text called " The Prophecy of the .
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Upon this Rock from the Saints & Sinners television series produced by Opus Television for S4C - Channel 4 Wales Television, ....
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Go back 2000 years to see how the papacy & Catholicism spread throughout Europe... ″.
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This video shows all the .
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As soon as .
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Between Two Empires from the Saints & Sinners television series produced by Opus Television for S4C - Channel 4 Wales ....
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To say the Catholic Church has a checkered past might be the understatement of the millennium. On the one hand, there are the ....
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Robert Royal and Fr. Gerald Murray discuss news from the Vatican including .
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Dig into the history of the Papal Schism, which caused a split in the Catholic Church while 3 .
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First 500 people to visit this link can get 2 months of unlimited Skillshare for free: Check out my other ....
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Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce star in this intimate look at a historic turning point in the Catholic Church. Directed by ....
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CREDITS: Chart by Antonio Vitor da Silva Narration by Matt Baker Animation by Syawish Rehman Audio editing by Ali Shahwaiz ....
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