El lugar donde el ritmo no solo se ve, se siente.


¿Sabes lo que significa Refactorizar?

⭐️ AFILIADOS ⭐️ 7% Descuento en HOSTINGER (Código BETTATECH) ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 31.170

Sabes lo Sabes lo que significa



Clase de .

Ver Fuente Visitas: 17.194

Refactoring Refactoring


Martin Fowler Reflects on Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code

In this special episode of Book Overflow, Martin Fowler joins Carter and Nathan to discuss his book .

Ver Fuente Visitas: 17.772

Martin Fowler Martin Fowler Reflects on


How to refactor code the right way - Martin Fowler


Ver Fuente Visitas: 3152

How to How to refactor code


Code Refactoring

I talk about code .

Ver Fuente Visitas: 20.982

Code Refactoring Code Refactoring


@stevemcconnell578: Should Engineering Managers Code?

Check out the full version on our YouTube channel now! #GOTOcon #GOTObookclub #SoftwareEngineering #CodeComplete ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 392

stevemcconnell578 Should stevemcconnell578 Should Engineering Managers


3 Ideas on Refactoring by Martin Fowler

00:00 Intro 00:09 Idea 1 01:27 Idea 2 03:27 Book 03:46 Idea 3 05:40 Outro..

Ver Fuente Visitas: 23.878

3 Ideas 3 Ideas on Refactoring


Cuando refactorizar tu código?

Todos mis cursos: Curso gratuito de vim!: https://bit.ly/3rU5Llp React - La guía definitiva: https://bit.ly/3CNF9qr Python sin ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 40.004

Cuando refactorizar Cuando refactorizar tu codigo


Code Review e Refactoring: aplicando essas 2 artes na prática! (Foco em refactoring)

Já olhou um código e pensou "meu deus QUEM FEZ ESSA M@34D4?", código ruim, código bom é algo muito aberto, eu já ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 5815

Code Review Code Review e Refactoring


Growing the development forest 🌲 — with Martin Fowler

Today's guest is Martin Fowler! Martin is chief scientist at ThoughtWorks. He is one of the original signatories of the Agile ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 2705

Growing the Growing the development forest


Mejora tu código aplicando Split Phase Refactoring


Ver Fuente Visitas: 21.841

Mejora tu Mejora tu codigo aplicando


Utilice este enfoque para escribir un código más limpio (+ consejo de refactorización de VS)

... more readable is by using the early return principle and visual studio actually has a .

Ver Fuente Visitas: 17.072

Utilice este Utilice este enfoque para


Refactoring a Python Data Validation Interactive Shell

In this video, I'm going to take a look at a project called Data Validator CLI. I'll do a review of the code and then .

Ver Fuente Visitas: 16.942

Refactoring a Refactoring a Python Data


What is Refactoring, and why is it so important?


Ver Fuente Visitas: 12.072

What is What is Refactoring and


ChatGPT Copilot are NOT Refactoring Tools

There is an authoritative definition, and Large Language Models do not qualify! Let me explain why in this video. ▭ Links ....

Ver Fuente Visitas: 2179

ChatGPT Copilot ChatGPT Copilot are NOT

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