CLIP DESCRIPTION: Dr. Grant (Sam Neill) and the remaining survivors are trapped in a turf battle between a T-Rex and the ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 39.787.474
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 43.468
Planet Dinosaur tells the stories of the biggest, deadliest and weirdest creatures ever to walk the Earth, using the latest fossil ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 52.458.583
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After reuniting by following the sound of their satellite phone, Erik and his parents soon realise it's coming from the belly of the ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 7.827.656
Newly discovered fossils revealed that .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1.331.139
CLIP DESCRIPTION: Erik's (Trevor Morgan) reunion with his parents is interrupted by a hungry .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 41.485.566
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 778.753
Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and his group encounter a massive dinosaur, forcing them to flee in terror. About Jurassic World: From ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 396.309
Kids fascinated by dinosaurs often bring up a whole raft of questions such as “When did they live?”, “Which one was the mighty ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 11.102.766
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 267.960
subscribe for more animations Song: We Dont Talk about Bruno
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 1.258.603
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 9.824.759
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 837.536
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Ver Fuente Visitas: 109.733
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