To better understand the explosive reaction between water and lava, scientists from the University at Buffalo brewed their own ....
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This small, swirling blue flame, inspired by naturally occurring “firenadoes,” could one day help clean up oil spills. Find out more in ....
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See how monkeys teach manners, elephants show empathy and ants imitate water in .
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They can flow like a liquid and bounce back like a solid. Masses of fire ants show a duality that intrigues physicists. Subscribe on ....
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Spittlebugs feed on watery sap from plants and then excrete bubbly foam to create a protective fortress around themselves. Later ....
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Scientists analyzed how balloons explode by watching cracks spread through a bursting balloon in slow motion. Find out more in ....
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An experiment involving 34 dogs of various breeds tested whether they would push through a magnetically sealed door to “save” ....
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The amazing fruit fly's millisecond maneuvers. Read the story here: Subscribe on YouTube: ....
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The video has a simple plot: Ape hits human. And apes seem to remember it very well. Grab the embed code for this video at ....
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For flying and swimming creatures obstructions can be something to avoid, or helpful reference points. Produced by: David Frank ....
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In a leap of the imagination, researchers managed to use bacterial spores to tap the power of evaporation. Produced by: David ....
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We all know that dolphins are smart animals, but scientists have found that these creatures create their own names and respond ....
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Mockingbirds furiously protect their nests against intruding cowbird, with mixed results. Read the story here: ....
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How ultrasound can activate neurons and make a roundworm change course. Grab the embed code for this video at Times Video: ....
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Raindrops capture tiny bubbles which then release that fresh, earthy scent into the air. Produced by: David Frank and James ....
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Imaging technique captures the turbulence of hot gases when a match is lit. Produced by: David Frank Read the story here: ....
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With a new device scientists measure the force of a wingbeat while birds fly freely. Produced by: David Frank and James Gorman ....
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High-speed video reveals how bending the skin of an orange or similar fruit releases tiny bursts of aromatic oil at 30 feet per ....
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