සාදරයෙන් පිළිගන්නවා මගේ චැනල් එකට ලයිවු ෂෝ ආට්ස් බැවින් ....
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Provided to YouTube by IIP-DDS Unmadiniye Wenwee Yana (Version 04) · Karunaratne Abeysekera Sinhala Gee Potha, Vol..
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Subscribe Sinhala Dholki Video Channel ! .
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05- Unmadiniye - Sahara with Anura - Sahara Yowun Shakthi 1..
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No description available.
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Kalummangala #Pradeep #Trending #Trendingmusic #Love #Kalummusic #.
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The singer of this video is Visharada Tissa Jayawardana, who is the 1st winner of the ITN Swarna sammana (ITN Rantharu) reality ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 21.317
උන්මාදිනියේ - එච් ආර් ජෝතිපාල (කරෝකේ) අපේ චැනල් එක Subscribe කර අපට සහයෝගය ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 13.827
slkaraoke #unmadaniyewenviyana #hrjothipalakaraoke එදත් අදත් එකසේ ජනප්රිය මෙම සුමධුර ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 30.240
No description available.
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Artist : H. R. Jothipala All credit goes to the Original Artist/s and all other composer/s and musician/s who created this soundtrack..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 545
Unmadini Hanguna - Version #2 Unmadini Music Video - https://youtu.be/_D_AR9E7bio Vocals : Bathiya N Santhush Melody ....
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karaokehit #aselaindralal .
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