The year 11954. YoRHa Soldiers 2B and 9S are newly dispatched to Earth to carry out and support the 243rd Descent Operation..
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NieR:Automata .
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NieRAutomata Ver1.1a NieRAutomata Ver1.1a Opening FullEscalateby
Aimer - escalate Listen to Aimer's music Download - ....
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Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, openings, full episodes, and more from your favorite anime! FREE 14-DAY ....
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Is giving a gift a meaningless act? You can watch the English dub of NieR:Automata .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 26.253
I'm just testing out how this type of media might work. I recently participaged on a friend's streams as we watched through the ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 15
Yesterday the new adaptation of the video game NieR: Automata to Anime finally came out. It was one of the most anticipated ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 39.618
[ AMV ] Black Box - NieR:Automata .
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Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, openings, full episodes, and more from your favorite anime! FREE 14-DAY ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 186.781
Look back on an important moment between A2 and Pascal. You can watch the English dub of NieR:Automata .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 3224
【イントロダクション】 西暦5012年。 突如地球へと飛来してきた<エイリアン>と、 彼らが生み出した<機械生命体>により、 ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 815.847
Crunchyroll Collection brings you the latest clips, openings, full episodes, and more from your favorite anime! FREE 14-DAY ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 54.609
nier #nierautomata #nierautomataanime #drakengard3..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 4891