Subscribe for more. FOV : 84 I made 2 cuts, one after the oracle cutscene because I missed a hover, and ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1159
During the years I found many weird references in .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 9663
This is Just a Short tutorial for people who has followed the steps of how to set .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1550
Tried some Hero Mode on a early Prebuild of OpenGOAL .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1867
An unused cutscene meant to play (under unknown conditionals) when riding the fisherman's boat from Misty Island back to ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 9553
Hope you have fun trying it out if you havent seen it already. I forgot to mention in the video but this is actually seldomly used in ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 23.752
I am quite certain that this path is even less known than the one in .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 2017
Roughly 46 seconds. Mod by ZedBot..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 15.904
Be aware. In this Video I show a very early build of OpenGOAL .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 5355
Subscribe for more ;).
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The development of this mod is discontinued and will remain only as a showcase..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 5875