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Want to say what you are in French? Alexa teaches you how to say '.
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Sometimes inspiration comes on a walk, over the first morning coffee, or even in a dream. Sometimes a French lady messages ....
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Bisou Bisou Support us and get exclusive member benefits: ....
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This video shows you How to Pronounce .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 63.885
What does this .
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Est-ce que tu connais d'autres alternatives ?.
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What are you sick and tired of? Comment below⬇️ #englishteacher #englishlearner #learnenglish #speakenglish #.
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Learn how to say words in .
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"Hello all! Our French word of the day is '.
Ver Fuente Visitas: 3014
... of the exppression jeis fatigé jeis épuisé jeis épuisé jeis vidé .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 27
5 expressions anglaises qui signifient que .
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Different ways to says I am Tired in French | #shorts @learnfrench01..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 392
Commentez “discussion” et recevez notre kit pour être plus à l'aise à l'oral en anglais. 🗣️ #formationanglais #coursdanglais ....
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J'ai faim i am hungry j'ai soif i thirsty j'ai chaud hot j'ai froid C .
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