"I do not believe in anything. It is not a question of God – I do not believe in believing. My approach is to .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1.247.917
Get access to a new complete .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 55.710
"Meditation is the way to the mastery of your own being. No God is needed, no catechism is needed, no holy book is needed..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 317.507
" Life is the greatest thing that existence has given to you, for nothing. Just because you have not paid for it, you don't recognize its ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 384.394
ओशो ताओ उपनिषद भाग 15 हिंदी भाषा में ,कुछ ध्यान करना पड़े; बुद्धि के ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 33
Ver Fuente Visitas: 571.821
Destiny, Freedom, and the Soul: What Is the Meaning of Life? explores deeply human questions, such as: Is there really such a ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 125.293
"everybody has always been alone. From birth to death, the whole journey is alone. You may be in the crowd, but your aloneness ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 875.291
You say the whole world is a mess. What is it that you're trying to create in the world? "I'm simply saying that there is a way to be ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 129.436
"Jesus said, "Carry you cross on your shoulders. Everybody has to carry his cross on his shoulders." I don't see any point in it..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 1.052.126
Almost everybody gives everybody else advice. -- 'Do this', 'do that', 'this is right', 'that is wrong' and so it goes, on and on..
Ver Fuente Visitas: 882.771
A pivotal point in Vishrant's search for enlightenment occurred during this interview held with .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 954.292
"The politician is nothing but an egoist. Inside .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 36.976
"I reject God completely because God is simply a problem which idiots have invented thinking that .
Ver Fuente Visitas: 157.893
"There is no need to remember me. The need is to remember yourself! People have remembered Gautam Buddha and Jesus ....
Ver Fuente Visitas: 283.915