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Vegetative propagation or Vegetative reproduction is of two types. 1.Natural Vegetative propagation. 2.Artificial Vegetative ....
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Artificial vegetative Artificial vegetative propagation. methods
The flower is the reproductive organ in flowering plants . the parts of flower are ,gynoecium, androecium,sepal,Patel,receptacle, ....
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Flower PartsDrawing Flower PartsDrawing labelling.Biology parts
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Multicellular organisms.diploblastic,all are aquatic and mostly marine. Eg:- Hydra,Sea anemone, Jellyfish. there are two forms, 1..
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Phylum cnidariaCoelenterata. Phylum cnidariaCoelenterata. Kingdom AnimaliasciencewithAB
A plant leaf consists of different parts and layers. cuticle upper epidermis palisade mesophyll spongy mesophyll lower epidermis ....
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The typical plant cell contains many parts and organelles like...cellwall cell membrane cytoplasm vacuole nucleus golgi complex ....
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Plant cellDrawingLabelling Plant cellDrawingLabelling Biologyparts of
Generation of new plants naturally from underground or aerial parts of a mother plant is known as natural vegetative propagation..
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Natural vegetative Natural vegetative with
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A periodic table for for classifying elements was first introduced by Dimitri Mendeleeff,a Russian scientist. The modern periodic ....
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The tissue is composed of similar cells. according to the shape of cell and the nature of cell wall, three types of simple permanent ....
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